If you just want the demo, it’s on itch.io over here. Have fun! https://megalomanium.itch.io/skatebird-demo
… but we’re ALSO running a Kickstarter, and your help would mean the world to us: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/meganfox/skatebird-be-a-skateboarding-bird
We’re pretty happy with what we’ve accomplished so far, but with your help, we’re gonna go so much further. We’re gonna teach birb a TON of new tricks. If you’ve forgotten what SkateBIRD is (oh no!), it’s a game about skateboarding birds who try their best. Grind on bendy straws, kickflip over staplers, and carve killer lines through a cardboard and sticky tape world.
Wishlisting the game on Steam helps us out a ton, so if you’re interested in cute birbs on skateboards: https://store.steampowered.com/app/971030/SkateBIRD/